#but he's a dunmer raised by khajiit
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spadefish · 1 year ago
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Ashe hasn't shown up in the rp yet but I think it'd be really funny if this is how they met.
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kyneforged · 3 months ago
I'm back with the updated 2024 end of the year OC List Bay-bee ✨
Salutations my name is Chris (he/she/they - 27) and The Elder Scrolls has been my longest running hyperfixation since 2009. My main is arimabari, and I run the TES fashion focused blog Tamrielfashion.
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Tatia "Tia" Stormcrown - The Last Dragonborn - Demigod (appears Nord/Dunmer) - She/They - Tatia was a strange child orphaned by the Great War and raised by a devout monk in Weynon Priory until his eventual passing. She is a devout priestess of Kynareth, a well-worn traveler, and someone who finds her solace in nature rather than with people.
Toyhouse | Art by puppydogtown
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Kyne / Kynareth Aedra - My personal interpretation of Kyne. When her Nordic aspect became another casualty in the Great War, she returned to her child in the shape of a hawk wearing a clay face. She is the whispering wind that keeps Tatia on her destined path.
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Maybeth Sybella Oregota (of House Taurus) - Hero of Kvatch - Nibenese Imperial - She/Her - A blue-blooded princess born at the tail end of Jagar Tharn's reign. She murders her husband and heir to the Imperial Throne, Prince Geldall, while under the influence of Mythic Dawn cultists.
Art by methysis
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Benitah "Bennie" - Nerevarine - Dunmer - She/Him - The child of an ex-Ashkhan who sent her newborn down the river, hoping to grant her a better life. Bennie was raised by an Argonian smuggler and his Orc bodyguard in Cyrodiil's criminal underbelly and would later become a fence for the Thieves Guild.
Art by nerime
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Minia Al-Tukta Ma'bro - Hero of Daggerfall - Redguard - She/Her - Daughter of the Tukta Ma'bro, an old Yokudan traveling circus. She was once revered as a talented bard. The Emperor's Songbird - but under Mephala's influence, she rose to Grandmaster of the Blades. She is Calaxes and Martin's birth mother.
Art by ijiwaruuma
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Florence Meliard - The Mythic High Priestess - Breton - She/Her - A Priestess of the One who becomes trapped in the Battlespire during my AU version of story events. After she is twisted by the nightmare of her captivity, Florence becomes a devout religious leader under the Mythic Dawn.
Art by sillyysunnyy
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Bejira-Ma "Bee" - The Eternal Champion - Ohmes-raht Khajiit - He/Him - Bee was separated from his family during a conflict at the Valenwood/Elsweyr border, and was later raised by the Imperial general who found him. He worked as a serving girl but trained with his father's men on the side - until one day, he finds himself escaping the Imperial Palace with three little princes in tow.
Art by samarajethwa
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Audeius Tharn - The Listener (3rd Era) - Nibenese Imperial - He/Him - Maybeth's (unknowing) half-brother. A bastard Tharn drawn to the Night Mother's arms after a count's betrayal left him homeless on the streets of Bravil. He murders succinctly and with little remorse for his actions.
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Caelamin Osella - Dawnbreaker's Sheath - Ayleid/Altmer - She/Her - A renowned Summerset Courtesan and Keeper of Dawnbreaker. She is currently in service to Giranderiel, an Altmeri crime lord and skooma smuggler.
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Lelleone "Lell" - The Vestige - Altmer Soul Shriven - They/Them - Giranderiel's loyal mutt who was given up to Molag Bal after they got just a little too cozy with Osella. Only knows how to take orders like a dog. Queen Ayrenn's little puppy.
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vervayyn · 20 days ago
Sujamma Sundas Tirdas
I was tagged by @friend-of-giants and I'm going to tag @elavoria (not sure if you have any TES ocs you want to divulge the deets on?) and anyone else who wants to @ me. I'm still trying to figure out who to tag and get back into the Tumblr swing of things. As always, feel free to ignore the tag and/or me and to post at your leisure/otherwise. :) Today, Sujamma wants to know about your OC's moral compass. What God do they worship and why? Do they engage in any illicit activities (drugs, etc?) Any holy activities, like healing in the name of a certain divine? Have they committed any crimes, or are there any crimes they actively despise? Feel free to talk about anything and everything along these lines.
CW: Mentions of cannibalism and rape.
Simply put, Sinder is morally bankrupt. He struggles with it, and yet he revels it in, constantly playing flip-flop between trying to be a better person and falling back into old, ugly, borderline evil habits. He steals. He kills. He relapses into cannibalism every so often. He’s not against allying with the wrong people for the right (and wrong) reasons, yet there is some part of him that’s still bright and gleamy and full of hope—that won’t die no matter how many times he tries killing it. His relationship with Namira is a complicated one, less worship and veneration than it is constantly vying for control. She won't let him (her Champion) go, and even if he leaves, he always comes back. Otherwise, he has no respect for the Divines, even less for Talos, the Breton son-of-a-whore, and despite his unconventional upbringing—he pays little mind to the Khajiit pantheon, making an exception for Jone and Jode, as well as Rajhin—the latter because he can appreciate the hustle. Sheogorath is probably the closest he comes to any sort of semi-appropriate veneration, and that's only because of a joke his adopted parents told throughout his youth that he never realized was a joke. The joke, for reference was: That Sinder was conceived north-northwest Leyawiin, on a stone slab beneath the spread legs of Ann Marie. — in other words, it's an abstract way to say he was born crazy. In his youth, before separating from the caravan, whilst in the area, he decided to gain clarity, and who better than to ask than the Skooma Cat himself? Unfortunately, all Sinder managed to gain from that encounter was an obsession with cabbages as well as more questions than answers. Fun fact: A century+ later and he's still going strong with the cabbage obsession. Last and certainly least, despite being Dunmer, Sinder doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the Dunmeri pantheon, actively spitting on the ideals of the Old Temple, and sneering at the resurgence of the New. He doesn’t celebrate any holy holidays—not since leaving Namira’s cult and trying to put that behind him, anyway—though he will celebrate with friends, like Una, who will party any given opportunity, as well as helping Ves with whatever Boethiah-themed mission she's on. The only personal ritual that kind of fits the bill is his abstaining from eating meat in an attempt to keep certain specific impulses at bay. As for illicit substances? He does a whole hell of a lot of moon sugar and skooma. Being raised amongst a traveling gaggle of Baandari Pedlars (who accidentally kidnapped his runaway ass) has offered him a higher-than-average tolerance for the stuff. He’s committed quite a few crimes, from petty theft to property damages, to mass arson, to murder, to kidnapping (for religious* purposes), to cannibalism to adopted patricide. As for crimes he actively despises? Religious persecution and rape. Also, animal abuse.
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theheroesofnirn · 2 months ago
:*:・゚☆ Welcome, Curious Travelers
if you have arrived here it means you are curious about some of Tamriel's heroes
while the timelines are vast and those who have save the world vary, we have managed to gather some from a single two timelines in order to answer any questions you have for them about their lives before, their time as a hero, or even what happened after everything
let's introduce those who have shaped fate with their own hands
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The Agent, Sauyron
a dunmer from Morrowind who has long since distanced themself from the memory and legacy they once represented. Which is good, as the Blades have done their best to erase parts of history.
having survived the Warp of the West, they have lived now for many long generations - though eternal life was not a gift they had asked for when they had saved the Underking.
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The Nerevarine, Marazira - or better known as Zira to those she is close to
a Khajiit orphan who grew up on the streets, many had regarded her as the leader of a leaderless group of friends. Friends she would and did do anything for..
Marazira did not enjoy her status as the Nerevarine, but does not regret taking up the mantle, as it lead her meeting those she considered the truest family she had ever had
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Hero of Kvatch, Fangs-Like-Ice
born to two loving argonian mothers while within the walls of the Imperial City, Fangs (as many tend to call him) always had a talent for magic.. and for taking off with what wasn't his.
while he has earned the nickname Heart-Of-Dragon for some clear reasons, and while he isn't the most conventional hero, he is still a hero nonetheless.. even if there are those who wish otherwise.
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last, but certainly not least
The Last Dragonborn, Gael Mosshollow (known in some circles as Gael Barkstone)
while his childhood isn't often talked about, it is known that this spirited young man was raised in Valenwood by an old friend of his birth family, who were taken from this world when Gael was but a sickle baby.
now moonlighting as a socialite who has clawed his way into many political circles, there are only few who seem to notice that infamous figures seem to die soon after meeting this charming bosmer.
/ / / OOC notes! the characters here are LGBT+ and so any homophobia, transphobia, etc will not be tolerated and neither will any racism/racist remarks towards any of these characters
/ / / right now only questions are being allowed, but in the future I will be considering OC interactions (which as of right now OC interactions are only allowed for my friends)
/ / / questions also don't need to be serious or about their! feel free to ask silly questions. just be sure to include who you're asking (which you can ask all of them the same question if you wish)
/ / / finally, these characters do have companions and friends they may mention in their answers. right now these other characters can't be asked questions, but I may allow temporary asks for them in the future! (also I do allow questions aimed at me and questions behind design choices and such)
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djai-the-curious · 6 months ago
@the-elder-polls Hi TCS friday yayyy (i'm @bookworm-driven-insane btw this is my side blog for TES oc related stuffs/Djai RP. Kinda empty lmao)
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I have decided to draw a family tree of my khajiit!! Without their respective spouses, for now, because they aren't as important for this/in general. Basically the important members of the family only for now xD
Also, as a side note, only Djai and Eric's designs are final, others are a rough sketch only.
Lore below!!
At the top is (Ma')Eric, aka my nerevarine!! I'll ramble about his entire backstory sometime later. I have an outline of his backstory, but I haven't finished morrowind yet and I will complete his backstory once I finish it so it's as lore accurate as possible. x3
Long story short, he has twins, but has to give them away for their own safety because he himself gets death threats basically daily- and his children were already kidnapped once. Also he just doesn't have time, like, at all to care for them. Both twins are ohmes-raht btw!! [possibly. . . with the mix of some dunmer in there. . . but shhh. . . spoilers]
The one of the left ends up in an orphanage in Cyrodiil, before getting adopted by some necromancers. Again gonna ramble more about them later, but I have something planned for them already!!
The other one ends up in Elsweyr, and gets raised by a regular family. He actually has no idea that he is adopted his whole life, I mean, nobody told him and he had no reason to suspect that. He's also, like, a pretty shitty person. Has a talent for magic but never really uses it outside of charming people for his own gain.
He has two children, Murrsea [The one on the left, with a scar on her face] and Djai [the one on the right], Murrsea being two years younger than Djai.
Already rambled about Djai, so going to ramble about Murrsea, but in a more 'meta' way first.
Murrsea is actually really important to me!! She was a shared OC with one of my parents, I helped create and name her a long long time ago when they were playing skyrim and I wanted to watch them play [that was the first time I've ever seen an elder scrolls game, I didn't even know what it was back then]. Since they're not really into OC stuff, though, and they know that I am, they gifted Murrsea to me after finishing skyrim!! :'D Murrsea is also a mage [Duh, everyone in their family is. At least everyone in their family has a natural talent for magic]. She is pretty well-known for killing a dragon once (not completely ofc because she couldn't take its soul), and it was actually rumored she was the dragonborn. She, however, isn't the dragonborn- She's just a really really great battle mage. She took Djai's place when he resigned from being the archmage, and that's kind of what she does now.
I think that's all? Apologies for any mistakes. And once again, a lot of stuff I've written here will likely change later, but the core elements will likely stay.
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the-elder-polls · 3 months ago
ragdolls into the askbox hitting against everything very noisily
My Nerevarine my beloved. Gift From Skies my beloved. Dunmer born in Morrowind except she was raised in Cyrodill by Khajiit because something something, parents died when she was a baby, fell off a cliff but landed adorably in their laundry. Gift from the sky! A baby! She's the descendant of my vestige and also Actually Nerevar (and Ayem) because my vestige is married to Ayem's like great great grandson BUT Sky doesn't KNOW THAT because like I said, parents died when she was a baby. She doesn't learn that until much much later like between Oblivion and Skyrim.
Canon is merely a suggestion, she had a friend along for the whole nerevarine prophecy, he's someone who got trapped in a tear in time who like. In my big ol universe he's an aspect of Anu- technically Sithis, technically a child of Sithis, also technically a daedric prince who was ascended by the other princes for Prophecy Reasons
Anyway Sky. She's a direct descendant of the Vestige and Ayem. And her kids, uh. Yeah, they've got two god-kings of Morrowind in them, their father is Vivec. He's a great dad he loves his two daughters. He went with her to Akavir to try to find the akaviri tower (more prophecy shit related to her bestie)
She's tired of fighting at this point tbh but she will if she has to do not test her do not threaten her family or her friends. She still uses trueflame and hopesfire, still wears the moon and star ring. She just keeps the swords wrapped up in specially treated leather most of the time and the ring broke so she had it turned into a choker. Still gets visions from Azura too. Azura's kinda pissed she and Vivec are a thing let alone STILL married after 200 years.
(Sky is literally one of if not my oldest OC I've had her since I first watched my brother play Morrowind back in ~05 when me myself was very young. Fuck it we selfship with our whole chest, Vivec would love that.)
OH THATS SO COOL. i love her. also good on vehk for being a good dad. good man
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morkovkauwu · 3 months ago
Lost in Morrowind
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They said everything was fine, they said there was nothing to worry about. But they were lying. The master of the troupe was arrested first, he told Moonlight that everything was fine and he would be released soon. But it wasn't like that. The guards of the Imerian capital did not calm down, they continued to look for something in the belongings of his "family". But even without finding anything, everyone was put under arrest. The guards said it was because of the Moonlight, he was suspected of using moon sugar, but he didn't even eat it in Elsweyr! He had no sugar cravings, he was raised by old dunmer, the owner of the circus. His family were artists. He did not remember his parents, they left him when Moonlight was still a blind kitten. But now his family was destroyed, they were all arrested for nothing! And he was also sent to Morrowind! He remembered the father's stories about his homeland and wanted to see it, but not like that! They filled out the paperwork and gave him the task to find someone in Balmora, but he doesn't even know where to go. A kind bosmer in the village gave him a spear for his help in finding the lost ring, not too good, but at least something. Moonlight took off his favorite ribbon from his paw, his father said that it was on him when he was found, perhaps his last hope then to find his family again. He had been wandering the roads for too long that even night had fallen, a weak healing spell helped heal the abrasions from his fall from the cliff, but fear wouldn't heal. Moonlight looked at the sky where an almost full Masser was shone softly, let Azurah help him.
Yeah, it's time meet my little (he is literally a little) Nerevarine. Some information about him.
Name: Moonlight
Race: Khajiit (Dagi-raht)
Constellation: Lady
Class: Acrobat
Height: slightly shorter than the bosmer (maybe about 135 cm/4.4 ft)
Short information: he was born under the constellation lady, but on this day, the brightly burning star of Azura and the hidden moon were also noticed. For some unknown reason, after birth, he was abandoned by his parents and found by Dunmer, the owner of the circus, Moonlight calls him father. He grew up in a traveling circus and learned to perform, eventually became an acrobat (therefore very flexible, agile and not afraid of heights), also knows several weak spells (healing, light and even walking on water). Because of the false accusation of using moon sugar, the entire circus was arrested, maybe it was rigged to receive Moonlight and send him to Morrowind. Uses shaft weapons and light armor.
By the way, I can say in the art Moonlight has a spear for bosmer, that is a small one, spears for other races are even bigger for him, but he will use exactly large spears.
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And just a little art with Nerevar and Moonlight.
Posts are published very rarely. I'm sorry. College takes all my strength away. I'm in my second year, trying not to get lost. But Morkovka will try her best and become a good pharmacist!
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snowy-weather · 7 months ago
Here's a short introduction to all my Elder Scrolls OCs, in case anyone isn't familiar/anyone new here wants to learn about them, or just because it's fun to talk about my OCs.
There's a lot so buckle up. This list will be updated with any new OCs I make. There's also a few OCs here that aren't as developed yet or I haven't given much attention to.
Characters under the cut:
Skyrim OCs:
Mirni Viloni. A Dunmer student at the college of Winterhold. She's extremely talented and has a great love for magic and learning. She's very curious, very adventurous and very flirty. She loves taking risks and going on adventures. She can be a bit selfish and surprisingly power-hungry and is always looking for new knowledge and ways to become a more powerful mage. She eventually forms a bond with Ralis Sedarys and, to her own surprise, falls in love with him.
Estlin Thunder-eye. A Breton warrior who was adopted and raised by a Nord family. She's the dragonborn. Though she's small she has a big personality and can be loud, but definitely has a lot of deep insecurities under the surface. She's a member of the companions and tends to hang out with Athis and Torvar.
Kiirra. A Cathay Khajiit thief and member of the thieves guild. (Later joins the Dark Brotherhood.) Though she's friendly and playful on the surface, she does have a temper underneath and is very good at holding grudges. Her black fur helps her be extra stealthy. She's known to be incredibly curious.
Ferevyn. A Dunmer pirate captain. His background is a bit of a mystery as he keeps telling everyone conflicting stories. Ferevyn is very confident to the point of being full of himself. He is however a skilled swordsman. He's adventurous and hates staying in the same place for long. He's also a flirt who has a new girlfriend in every port but never sticks around for anything to get serious.
Dar'vi. A Pahmar-Raht Khajiit pirate who works as Ferevyn's first mate. She's his best and possibly only true friend. Dar'vi is loyal and upbeat. She's a big tough lady who loves a good fight and a strong drink, but also enjoys collecting flowers and giving hugs. She's a cousin of Kiirra.
Sillas. A Bosmer pirate who sometimes works for Ferevyn as part of his crew, but also works for other captains or just stays ashore for periods of time. Sillas is eternally tired and usually acts apathetic towards everything. He's quiet and distant.
Varonys Telvanni. A Telvanni master wizard who is overall very anti-social and prefers to work on his experiments and research over pretty much anything else. He's had a few attempts at his life so he's become paranoid and overly cautious as well. He was in a relationship with his maid and assistant for a while which resulted in the birth of his daughter Mirni. He is currently not in contact with either of them. Mirni is unaware that he is her father.
Alya Viloni. She was Varonys' maid and assistant and eventual lover, and the mother of Mirni. She's a friendly and loving woman but with a bit of an obsessive streak. She's also known to be clumsy and despite working for the Telvanni for a while knows little to nothing about magic. She and Mirni had a falling out and she hasn't seen her daughter in years, but would like to reconnect.
Dandrii. A Dunmer woman. She used to be one of Ferevyn's girlfriends but they are no longer together. Dandrii is now a single mother to their son. She's a serious and tough woman but very kind and loving towards her son. She's angry at Ferevyn for leaving her, but secretly still has feelings for him.
Naro. Ferevyn and Dandrii's son, he's a serious and kind of gloomy kid. He's never met Ferevyn.
Fienna. A Dunmer mage who's gained an interest in Necromancy. She was expelled from the college of Winterhold for her dangerous and unethical experiments.
Ayrin. A Bosmer hunter. She comes across as standoffish but is actually very socially awkward and has a soft side.
Farwen. A very friendly Altmer who just wants to make friends. They would love to join the companions.
Oblivion OCs:
Alera. The hero of Kvatch/Champion of Cyrodiil. A Dunmer who was born in Cyrodiil. She acts noble and heroic, but isn't as innocent as one might believe. She was in jail for a reason after all.
Elder Scrolls Online OCs:
Nevetha. Dunmer assassin. Not really a heroic type, she's rather selfish and doesn't think twice about stealing or killing if it benefits her. Especially if she gets paid. Has the biggest crush on Elam Drals and tries to buy his love by making him food. At least she's a good cook.
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salemelas · 6 months ago
OC Masterpost
hihi! having to redo this because my previous one got borked, and posting it publicly so that i can link it easier without redirect issues (^^ゞ y'know how tumblr is, etc etc.
warning: this post is very long and has multiple images! (and speaking of those images, this site was used to create the tokens seen below.)
◈ Elder Scrolls
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Rildras Moon-and-Star
Male, he/him
The Nerevarine, Nerevar reborn
Father of Vedyra, grandfather of Vedathyr, son of Nedrala and Azura
Former husband of Dagoth Ur
Husband of Voralen
May be a demiprince, but hates the daedra (and admittedly also the aedra) with all his heart
Sword warrior and destruction caster
Retired to a life of being a mushroom farmer after raising his daughter to adulthood
#oc moon and star (tag is attached to post)
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Dagoth Vedyra
Female, she/her
Scion of House Dagoth and Founder of the reborn House Dagoth
Daughter of Rildras and Dagoth Ur, mother of Vedathyr and Strides-Through-Ashes, granddaughter of Nedrala and Azura
Scholar with a focus on the dwemer, especially their disappearance
#oc vedyra (tag is attached to post)
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Dagoth Vedathyr
Male, he/him
Heir to House Dagoth
The Last Dragonborn
Member (not the leader!) of the Companions, werewolf
Dual-handed warrior
Son of Vedyra, grandson of Rildras and Dagoth ur, great-grandson of Nedrala and Azura
Mercenary much to his pleasure, legendary figure of history much to his displeasure
#oc vedathyr (tag is attached to post)
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Voryn Voralen
Male, he/him
The Sharmat, Voryn Dagoth reborn
Father of Vedyra, grandfather of Vedathyr
Husband of Moon-and-Star
#oc voralen (tag is attached to post)
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Female, she/her
Ashlander exile from the Urshilaku Tribe
Former consort and chosen of Azura
Potter by trade
Mother of Rildras, grandmother of Vedyra, great-grandmother of Vedathyr
No tag yet
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Strides-Through-Ashes | Dagoth Nehota
Female, she/her
Found by Vedyra as an abandoned egg
Shadowscale aspirant, assassin
Adopted daughter of Vedyra, biological parents unknown
Member of House Dagoth
No tag yet
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Dagoth Tsabi
Female, she/her
Found by one of Vedyra's scouts as the sole survivor of an ambushed khajiiti caravan
Vedyra's apprentice for dwemer studies
Illusion and restoration caster
Scholar with a focus on dwemer technology
No tag yet
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Dagoth Nenyael
Female, she/her
Joined House Dagoth after being abandoned as a teenager by her family in Morrowind following a tryst with a dunmer boy that resulted in a pregnancy
Mother of Cyrellas
Vedyra's apprentice for arcane studies
Scholar with a focus on Apocrypha and Hermaeus Mora
No tag yet
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Dagoth Cyrellas
Male, he/him
Altmer and Dunmer
Born into the reborn House Dagoth
Son of Nenyael
No tag yet
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Dagoth Dralyn
Male, he/him
Was once a of House Redoran, but was exiled for sympathizing with Vedyra's desire to rebuild House Dagoth; was subsequently welcomed into the House Dagoth Reforged with open arms
Restoration caster
Dabbles in a little bit of every trade that he can get his hands on
No tag yet
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Lyrius | Wades-Through-Deep-Waters
Male, he/him
Hero of Kvatch
Listener of the Dark Brotherhood
Was adopted by two argonian fishermen after his parents died in a shipwreck off the coast of the Black Marsh
Has worshiped Sithis since he was very young, as that his adopted parents worshiped Sithis
Dual dagger fighter
Accidental daedric prince
Lover of Lucien Lachance
#oc lyrius (tag is attached to post)
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Male, he/him
Champion of Vivec
Nightblade, dual-hand wielder nonetheless
Devout believer in the Tribunal
Part of the Thieves Guild
No tag yet
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Nonbinary, they/them
Atmoran Nord
Other names include Hlirlef, Malaar, Silkoraav, Sosaalkro
Dragon Priest dedicated to Vulthuryol
Partner of Miraak
#oc konahrik malaar (tag is attached to post)
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Nonbinary, he/him
Full name is Rhoinuthal Du-Izvunrynn Ryunzcharn Khouthld Krevratch Nchul-Irhabgar Badrunz Anchamgar Chradzech; "Rho" for short
Cousin of Dumac
#oc rhoinuthal (tag is attached to post)
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Male, he/him
Bodyguard of Rhoinuthal
#oc kyzuzgnak (tag is attached to post)
◈ Dungeons & Dragons
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Vesper Dysgeyma
Nonbinary, they/he
Tiefling (Mammon)
Demigod of Umbra, god of the dead and dusk
College of Spirits bard
Lawful neutral
Joined the party to help them kill a despot king seeking immortality, stayed for the food
#oc vesper (tag is attached to post)
◈ Dragon Age
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Talasan Mahariel
Male, he/him
Dalish elf
Hero of Ferelden (main)
Lover of Zevran
Father of Kieran and the glorious Barkspawn
Two handed weapon warrior
Brokered for peace between the Dalish and the werewolves
Sided with the mages
Sided with Prince Bhelen and Paradon Caridin
Saved Connor with the Circle of Magi's help
#oc talasan mahariel (tag is attached to post)
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Andromache Surana
Female, she/her
Circle elf
Hero of Ferelden
Lover of Leliana
Spirit healer and blood mage
Brokered for peace between the Dalish and the werewolves
Sided with the mages
Sided with Prince Bhelen and Paragon Caridin
Sacrificed Isolde to save Connor
#oc andromache surana (tag is attached to post)
◈ Baldur's Gate 3
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Vharis Zhendiae
Male, he/him
Dark Urge
Paladin of Vengeance
Lover of Astarion
Rejected the Urge
Twin brother of Luminara (my boyfriend's Dark Urge, who is not listed here for the reason of not being my OC)
#oc vharis (tag is attached to post)
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Nonbinary, they/them
High elf
Dark Urge
Assassin rogue
Lover of Karlach
Rejected the Urge
No tag yet
Not yet added:
Dragon Age: Garrett Hawke; Inquisitor Athevera Lavellan; Inquisitor Ilrian Lavellan, Rook
Mass Effect: Ariane Shepard
Baldur's Gate 3: Azran, Serene
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sleepymarmot · 10 months ago
So guess who totally forgot that the Ebonheart Pact only freed Argonians from Dunmer slavery instead of outlawing slavery altogether! Big difference.
Me walking through the House Dres capital and seeing something called "slave quarters": "You mean the quarters of former slaves, right?" Me walking up to a nearby point of interest literally called a plantation: "You mean the plantation where the slaves used to work, right?" Nah.
The owner of said plantation is almost comically evil; halfway through the quest I was like "the Covenant can have this place, actually", and almost as soon as I thought that, she said:
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Oh you want some strong Bretons and Redguards here? That can easily be arranged. Some strong Orcs, too. All heavily armed! There's several ships' worth of them not far from here! Many people have died trying to keep them out of Stonefall's settlements, but if you're so eager to have them on your land, be my guest!
It's absurd that the quest has the option to kill the Khajiit leader of the revolt, but not the awful slaveowner lady. I was sure she'd get her due! Especially when the Khajiit cryptically said that he's going to go "apologize" to her. I assumed he'd use the opportunity to murk her, but no, he actually apologized??? The hell.
Anyway, back to the first paragraph: this situation raises a very interesting question (that I'm sure the game won't address). The Argonians are now allies of the Dunmer, including House Dres. This means that they now have to support them and uphold their laws — including the ones regarding slavery. The Argonians are raised to be equal with their former masters, while the Khajiit are now subjugated to the both of them. How do the Argonians feel about this betrayal? How do the Khajiit?
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magical-hermaphrodite · 21 days ago
College of Winterhold: Skyrim circa 201 4E
At the college of Winterhold, a Dunmer mage called Melchizedek sits on a bench in the hall of the elements. He watches thoughtfully as a group of apprentices are lectured by the blue light of the focal center of the tower, this radiant blue beam of swirling magicka. The lecture is concluded and the students clear the space. One apprentice, a Kahjiit called J’zargo notices Melchizedek and comes to sit with him. Melchizedek raises curiously and regards the Khajiit silently.
*J’zargo: You are new here yes? J’zargo has only seen you recently.
Melchizedek nods yet remains silent. The two continue to regard one another.
*J’zargo: He has heard say that you are called Melchizedek Hlaalu and you are Dragonborn? You speak the way Dragons do?
*Melchizedek: Indeed.
*J’zargo: You could demonstrate this for J’zargo! Maybe he would learn.
A wry expression comes across Melchizedek’s face and he lets a soft giggle
*Melchizedek: Perhaps…
J’zargo waits expectingly. Melchizedek’s simply looks at the cat’s eyes.
*J’zargo: Hmm… Have you yet mastered high destructions?
*Melchizedek: Indeed.
*J’zargo: You… You have? Already? J’zargo is suprised. And pleased! There is real completion here. This is good!
Melchizedek smiles affectionately and laughs at J’zargo.
*J’zargo: What is this? How do you regard this one?
Melchizedek giggles quietly before looking away for a moment perhaps a bit haunted then returns to meet J’zargo’s eyes.
*Melchizedek: You reminded me of somone I used to know…
*J’zargo: You we’re close to this one?
Melchizedek nods wistfully. He opens he mouth to say something yet no words come.
*J’zargo: You know of the excavation at Sarthal?
Melchizedek: Yes.
*J’zargo: Then perhaps J’zargo will see Melchizedek there?
*Melchizedek: That’s possible.
*J’zargo: This is good! J’zargo will now prepare to depart…
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years ago
Riiju-Lei: *all 3 eyes very irritated from crying as they leave the hall of the dead* gods if I keep weeping like this I think id like to go back to having no emotions at all…
Nerevar: and deprive the world of your smile? Absolutely not~ *pats his shoulder gently*
Taliesin: or your adorable laugh~
Riiju-Lei: I-it is not adorable.
Kaidan: I dunno, it does sound pretty cute when you start honking like a baby horker~
Lucien: or start snorting like a bristleback.
Riiju-Lei: *visibly blushing* I- I don’t sound like either of those things!
Sero: *cackles* pay up Xelzaz I told you he’d start blushing again!
Xelzaz: You lot cheated!
Riiju-Lei: Y-you’re taking bets on my emotional responses now?!
Inigo: yes shame on you all! … *sneakily takes his winnings from Xelzaz*
Nerevar: *chuckles and shakes his head at them* leave him be… *waits till Riiju isn’t looking before taking his share too and snickering* So, corner club before we leave?
Riiju-Lei: I guess, I don’t think you’d enjoy it though but… it’s really the only place any of us except for maybe Lucien and Kaidan would be welcome… the dunmer who owns it doesn’t particularly like me given I was raised by a nord and most people in this city like or at least tolerate me.
Nerevar: hm… maybe we can wait until we reach Kynesgrove then…
Riiju-Lei: Mhm… I don’t particularly want to go passed what’s left of my old house either. I don’t know what type of emotion that’d kick up out of me…
Nerevar: old house?
Kaidan: aye. When we first came here with him to gather his belongings and bring them to whiterun we found it burned to the ground and the brickwork covered in racial slurs against dunmer… even the district it was in is a slur against dunmer people.
Nerevar: *clenching his fist a little under his cloak* …I see…
Riiju-Lei: *sighs* let’s just g-
Everyone: *turns to see Rolff stone-fist next to a guard, pointing at Kaidan*
Kaidan: oop, shit, hope you all have enough to bail me out for this.
Nerevar: I- what did you do to him? He’s missing half his face!
Kaidan: He was harassing a dunmer woman then tried to hit LeiLei while his back was turned. So I punched him and my gauntlets did the rest.
Guard: *walks over* Alright you’re under arre-
Nerevar: *steps out in front of him* It is my understanding that my companion here was attacked first by that- gentleman. My other companion here leapt to his defence.
Riiju-Lei: *sighs* nerevar don’t bother. He’s the brother to ulfrics right hand man, they won’t listen. *opens his wallet* okay how much is the fin-
Nerevar: *gently makes him put it away before looking at the guard* Is that so… in that case. Unless Ulfric would like the great houses of morrowind to side with the empire once again and join in on this civil dispute. He, And his right hand man. Will have an audience with me.
Guard: and, who are you exactly?…
Nerevar: Indoril Nerevar.
*a few hours later*
Riiju-Lei: *sitting quietly at the large table in the main hall of the palace of kings, knee bouncing as he and the others wait for nerevar and kaidan to return from their meeting with Ulfric* …I feel, sick, my chest feels tight and my hands and feet are cold. What emotion is this?
Lucien: anxiety, nervousness… it’s okay to be scared, I am too… being an imperial and the son of a notable captain I don’t particularly feel safe in here.
Sero: it’ll be okay… *folds his arms a little tighter feeling nervous himself*
Riiju-Lei: I hope you’re r-
Rolff: *suddenly screaming as he’s dragged out of the room in shackles to be taken to the jails* BROTHER YOU CANT DO THIS! YOU CANT SIDE WITH THEM! BROTHEEEEE- *silenced as the doors shut*
Nerevar: *walks out with Kaidan* I’m glad we could come to an understanding. The high council will provide funds for the betterment of our people housed within your city, the argonians and khajiit will be permitted within the walls. And we’ll remain neutral in your affairs.
Galmar: *huffs and storms out past them to the jails, most likely to give his brother a talking to for embarrassing him*
Ulfric: *walks out after him* yes. Now if there’s nothing else I have a war to get back t- *pauses spotting Riiju-Lei amongst the group* I know you. You were at Helgen.
Riiju-Lei: Yes. I was. Now I’m the Dragonborn. And I’ve been a citizen of this city longer than you or your fathers fathers have been alive… *stands up, feeling anger bubbling within himself the longer he looks at him* So if I hear anymore talk of my kind or anyone who isn’t a nord, being mistreated in these walls. I’ll do what that bastard and his mates did to my house. And I’ll burn this whole city to the ground.
Nerevar: LeiLei. *looks at him sternly but with a soft understanding in his eyes, knowing now at time of diplomacy is not a moment to lose his temper*
Riiju-Lei: *huffs and turns to leave*
Ulfric: *realising now he’s standing in a room with two extremely powerful threats he’d be smart not to piss off any further* I understand.
Riiju-Lei: *glares back at him* …good… *storms out*
*a few minutes later*
Team Dragonborn: *catch up with Riiju-Lei as he crosses the bridge leaving the city*
Nerevar: Hey- *pats his shoulder gently*
Riiju-Lei: *gritting his teeth in frustration* Arghh! I hate this feeling! I hate him for making me feel this way! I promise if we come back in a month NOTHING will have changed and that cockhead will be walking around harassing the grey quarter all over again!!
Nerevar: And if he does I will make good on my threat and side with the empire again. *strokes his cheek* he’s not worth your fury, dreamer…
Riiju-Lei: *sighs and relaxes into touch, the feeling of familiarity it brings giving him comfort* is it really worth that much effort?…
Nerevar: if it makes you happy, then yes…
Riiju-Lei: *smiles and holds his hand looking down shyly as the anger gives way to love and content happiness*
Taliesin: *suddenly smiling as he watches them*
Kaidan: what’s got you so happy? I nearly got arrested and you’re grinning.
Taliesin: I just realised something. The first day we saw LeiLei smile. It was right here. I’m betting it was the day Nerevar first came to skyrim~
Kaidan: really?… huh… to think they were always so close without even realising it.
Taliesin: *leans against him* I’m glad he’s found his happiness now… and I’m glad you’re not arrested. It’d be hard to make love to you with all those guards watching~
Kaidan: *coughs* I- calm down you wait until we get a room before you start talking like tha-
Sero: *suddenly books it past them with the guards chasing after him* HAHAHAAAAA!!!
Riiju-Lei: WHAT DID YOU DO?!
Inigo: *runs out after him and the guards* I tried to stop him! He set Rolff stone-fist on fire in his jail cell!!!
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madamefluffnstuff · 1 year ago
I have since decided; here's a list of all of my current ESO characters!
 1. Ebonymist - My main and longest running Vestige. She's a Khajiit Nightblade with a black tabby coat and baby blue eyes. Eye of the Queen and Champion of Anequina and Blackwood. Bows and arrows are her specialty, along with alchemy (specifically Invisibility potions) and lockpicking. However she's not part of the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood. 
She's a very sweet and motherly Khajiit who firmly believes in the Found Family trope. Her friends are her family, her gaggle of pets are her family, Taznasi and co. from The Stitches are her family, etc. Her most recent "adoptees" are Fennorian, Ember, and Isobel. Razum Dar and her were as close to being a couple without actually being a couple. Now Ebonymist is working up the nerve to confess her feelings to Bastian Hallix. 
She tends to be more on the sentimental side, holding on to anything of value (like her Urn from Coldharbor, a shield that was gifted to her by a friend who fell in battle, Jakarn's dagger he gave as thanks for helping, the like).  As well as pretty much any remotely shiny object or fascinating knick knack she finds. She collects.
2. Brenda Steel-Heart - Tall, blonde, can hold her mead, and can swing a greatsword with the best, Brenda is a Nordic Dragonknight warmaiden. She is fiercely loyal to the Ebonheart Pact and her homeland of Eastern Skyrim. In fact Brenda's loyalty is so strong and she's helped the cause so much, Prince Irnskar has dubbed her "The King's Arrow".
The concept of family and friends is weird to her- she doesn't remember her biological family (since Mannimarco wiped her memories), and she moves around so much she doesn't have time to make friends. Instead she considers her fellow Pact soldiers her Shield Brothers and Sisters. Centurion Gjakil and his wife Irna are the closest thing Brenda has to a "family" family, after she helped save their farm. (And her dogs, of course! All five of them.)
As far as romance goes, her heart is open. Woman or man, lady or lord, Dunmer or Nord, she doesn't care. Strangely enough she has a thing for Dark Elves. Specifically one Morag Tong assassin. Which would definitely be breaking some protocols if word got out, so they have a long distance relationship and exchange letters as often as they can.
3. Ursalie Fanstiana - Bretons are known for their innate ability for magic. Ursalie is no exception. She is a skilled mage in her own right, though she is just starting out and getting her feet under her. "Dark" magic and crystal magic seems to be her specialty, but she has been known to summon the odd unstable minor daedra or two (whether its intentional or not is unknown). 
She is terribly shy and has always had trouble making friends. Her summoned familiars are her more preferred company, though she's been making more efforts to open up more. Unfortunately her lack of experience in friendships has led to a few mishaps of not reading the room; Poor Ursalie has fallen for Jakarn's silky smooth words on more than one occasion, and Darien Gautier's shameless flirting has had her staying up overthinking conversations more times than she cares to admit. Crafty Lerisa has been helping her though.
Ursalie is the least developed of my Vetiges, as I haven’t played much of the Daggerfall Covenant storyline yet but I still adore her.~
4. Reldaleyna and Peliion - Reldaleyna comes from a long line of respectable  Altmer mages. From a young age she excelled at the arcane arts, and was trained by her grandparents in the art of upper echelon etiquette and borderline royalty manners. She is very popular amongst her family's circle of nobles. 
Peliion, on the other hand, is a feral gremlin of a Wood Elf with absolutely no concept of social graces or presence of manners. He claims he was raised "in the woods" (which would not be entirely unusual for a Bosmer, but he also claims he was raised by wolves). Thankfully very few people take his claims seriously.
They are dating and very much in love. 
Special thanks to @gortrash @arisenlicious and @alaxon <3
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feralroots · 8 months ago
"J'zargo?" Her ears pricked up at the name - not of true recognition, but of hearing Ta'agra. "A Khajiit?" She spoke as he was recalling his tale. Another smile broke across her face while she listened.
"This one imagines Khajiit was great fun," while she was excited to embark on an adventure of her own, she did still feel some trepidation about the unknown, and another pang of homesickness hit her. She already missed her sisters. She hoped that she didn't get cold paws.
"Hmm, Ko'Sunii has not seen many Khajiit in Vivec City. This one has noticed it is mostly Dunmer. Is The Archcannon also a Dunmer? There do not seem to be many Khajiit outside of Elsweyr. Has Altmer ever been?" As she asked, the woman from earlier reappeared and placed down a plate of sweet rolls in front of the dark-furred Khajiit. Ko'Sunii licked her lips as she picked up a roll and began eating.
"It is no moon sugar cake, but it will do for now," she said in between bites. Her eating habits weren't the most graceful, crumbs falling onto the table, but she paid no mind - she was used to rummaging around and fighting her sisters for dinner. Also... well, she was literally a child compared to the other Khajiit in her family.
"This one will need bake for you some time, Altmer can decide if it is similar to the sweet cakes J'zargo had," and then, changing gears, "Has Altmer met The Archcannon yet? Do we need to go find him?" She finished her last sweet roll, licking her plate and looking at Vaermir with raised eyebrows.
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stargazeraldroth · 8 months ago
Skyrimverse: Character Summaries
It's been a while since I've posted actual content. I don't know if this would qualify as actual content, but it's... something. I'm a big fan of Skyrim and started playing it again recently, and it made me remember that I do have an AU for it. Yippeeeeeee.
The only reason Ink is a woman in this AU is because he needs to be a Daughter of Coldharbour for the plot.
Frisk: A native Nord of Skyrim who was born in the city of Helgen. They are believed to be the Last Dragonborn, destined to slay the fearsome Alduin and put an end to the threat posed by dragons. They are the Thane of Whiterun and a disciple of the Greybeards, and they live in Breezehome within Whiterun's main city.
Blue: A native Nord of Skyrim who was born in Riften. He was one of the soldiers of Whiterun before being assigned as Frisk's housecarl, and follows the Dragonborn everywhere unless otherwise dismissed.
Cross: A Nord who was born and raised in Skyrim. He was enlisted in the Imperial Legion during the Great War, but withdrew from the army following the signing of the White-Gold Concordat due to physical and psychological trauma. After receiving treatment at the Temple of the Divines, he became a traveling mercenary and did odd jobs until he came to Whiterun, which is where he was introduced to the Companions. After rising in their ranks, he became a member of the inner circle and was given lycanthropy, eventually becoming the Harbinger of the Companions as well. He resides in the living quarters of Jorrvaskr with the other Companions.
Nightmare: A powerful Altmer mage who hails from the Summerset Isles. As one of the sons of a powerful and noble family, he has a significant amount of inheritance; the reasons for his presence in Skyrim and his enrollment in the College of Winterhold are unknown to everyone except for those in his family. He became the Arch-Mage of the College following the previous one's demise, has slain the Dragon Priest known as Morokei, and recovered both the Eye of Magnus and the Staff of Magnus. He is known to have connections to both the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild.
Dream: An Altmer who hails from the Summerset Isles. Following his arrival in Skyrim, he and his twin went their separate ways, and Dream became involved with the Thieves Guild in Riften. Through his connections with the Guild and the Black-Briars, his was able to become a Thane of Riften, and purchased the Honeyside estate for himself. He leads a double-life in Riften, balancing his identity as a nobleman and a Master thief. Following the former leader's betrayal, Dream became the new Guildmaster, and he is also a devoted Nightingale of Nocturnal. He struggles with alcoholism and a Skooma addiction, and he has several encounters with Cross.
Killer: A Dunmer who fled from the mainland of Morrowind to the island of Solstheim. During his youth, he and his mother lived with one of his uncles who made unwanted advances towards her, so he killed him. As a result of his murder, Killer had to flee Solstheim, being a stowaway on a ship to Windhelm. He eventually found himself in trouble with the Dark Brotherhood due to accidentally killing one of their targets, but was officially recruited to the group of assassins, and was appointed as the Night Mother's Listener. He resides in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary just outside of Dawnstar, and holds the responsibility of conveying the Night Mother's words and heeding her orders.
Dust: A Khajiit who was originally part of a traveling caravan, serving as one of the guards for the merchants. During one of their travels, they were ambushed by a group of bandits, and Dust just barely survived the attack. When he went to the Jarl for help, he was turned away, leading him to resort to handling it on his own. The Dark Brotherhood noticed his sheer bloodlust and knack for killing, and he was recruited to the faction, becoming one of the upper members.
Horror: An Orc who originally lived in Largashbur, an Orc stronghold located southwest of Lake Honrich. It is generally unknown how he was recruited to the Dark Brotherhood and he himself doesn't fully remember, since it was so long ago. During one of his missions in Markarth, he came into contact with the Coven of Namira, and became a cannibal. He was given the Ring of Namira by the Daedric Prince herself, and has a tendency to take bites out of his victims. He spared a young Bosmer named Aliza, who he took back to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and has been raising ever since.
Ink: An ancient, pure-blood vampire. She is known as one of the "Daughters of Coldharbour" and plays a crucial role in an ancient prophecy that foretells the eternal shrouding of the Sun. She was sealed away by her own mother to protect her from her father's madness, remaining in Dimhollow Crypt from the mid-late Second Era until she was found by Error. Ink has a very strained relationship with her parents and while she doesn't regret the power her vampirism has given her, she regrets how it tore her family apart. She is married to Error.
Error: A Redguard who accepted vampirisin from Clan Volkihar. He was originally a member of the Vigilants of Stendarr, having been taken in by the faction after his mother was killed, but he was never invested in their beliefs or ideals. Instead, he was fascinated by stories of Daedra and the Daedric Princes, habits that worried his fellow Vigilants. After the attack on the Hall of the Vigilant, Error was directed to the newly reformed Dawnguard, and was temporarily enlisted. During his mission to Dimhollow Crypt, he met Ink and escorted her back to Castle Volkihar, where he was offered the power of the vampire lord as payment for bringing her home. He accepted. Later, after thwarting the ancient prophecy and killing Ink's father, Error took over as the leader of Clan Volkihar and is actively seeking to destroy the Dawnguard. He is married to Ink.
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gatherparty · 1 year ago
fun facts about Lightfoot
grew up in Windhelm as a refugee / beggar, primarily being raised by the dunmer and argonian residents
she worked as much as she could to make coin, but eventually resorted to petty theft to survive, honing her skills
as she got older she did work on the docks and in the stables, occasionally serving as a courier and an assistant performing small tasks for the residents of the city and stormcloak soldiers
she also worked with the khajiit trade caravans whenever she could, learning a fair bit of speechcraft
she had an older adoptive brother, a khajiit smuggler named Shadowfoot, who trained her in the ways of a thief
she dreamed of a better life with Shadowfoot, who endeavored to make an honest living. eventually he joined a crew of sailors and left windhelm, but news would come that the ship had been taken by pirates and the crewmates were slaughtered.
after learning of the death of Shadowfoot she decided to fully embrace a life of crime and left Windhelm for Riften to join the Thieves Guild
she has a soft spot for beggars, refugees, and orphans, often going out of her way to help and defend them
she doesn't like alchemy and is very bad at it, but still does her best to make her own poisons and potions
she's a stealth archer build lmao
she has two forms of attire: her "traveling" clothes and her thieves guild armor
she eventually purchases lodging in the Riften ratways and names it Shadowfoot Sanctum after her brother
she befriends a skeever, Skritch, and keeps it as a pet
Lightfoot is very small for a khajiit (haven't decided what kind she is yet, so in general she has a short stature and thin frame, giving her a somewhat child-like appearance, which she plays on to gain the trust of others)
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